Frequently asked questions


Where does Toast supply electricity?
What are my options if I’m on a lower income?
You’re new and small… can I trust you?
Where does the power come from? Is it renewable?
Why don’t you have a call centre?

Switching to Toast

How do I join?
How is Toast different to my current provider?
Can I switch to Toast if I have my internet or gas in a bundle with my current provider?
I’m already tied into a contract – what can I do?
Do I need to contact my current supplier to let them know I want to switch?

Billing and payments

I want to change the account my direct debit comes from
Why aren’t you keeping the profit you make?
What are my billing options?

Rates and plans

Does Toast provide power to businesses?
Does Toast have a solar buyback plan?
Are you competitive? Are you the cheapest?
What rates and plans does Toast offer?
Does Toast have a plan suitable for electric vehicle charging?

Moving house

Moving and switching to Toast?
Moving house and already with Toast?

Outages and supply

What should I do if I’m medically dependent on power?
My electricity is out. Who should I contact?

Joining Toast is easy

Signing up to Toast is so easy: you don’t even have to contact your current supplier – we’ll take care of it all.